Created by Debbie Horsfield, “Poldark” debuted in 2015. It adapts the first seven novels of Winston Graham’s “Poldark” series, telling the story of Captain Ross Vennor Poldark, who returns to Cornwall after the American Revolutionary War to find his life in ruins. His family has been torn apart by death and disorder, his estate is drowning in debt, and his home is literally crumbling. He must find a way to set things straight and restore his name — but such an undertaking can’t be carried out alone. A winning cast of characters, including charismatic servant and eventual love interest Demelza, proves to be invaluable to Poldark — though loss, death, and disaster are never far behind.

Critics hailed “Poldark” as a lavish historical epic buoyed by a strong cast, impressive musical score, gorgeous scenery, and emotional plot points, which give the series’ romances particularly impressive feeling.  The series’ ensemble cast, which includes Aidan Turner, Eleanor Tomlinson, Ruby Bentall, and Jack Farthing, shine in their various roles, and bring authentic emotion to the show’s far-off time period. Unsurprisingly, “Poldark” also won several high profile awards over the course of its run.

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