Longshot” was created to cash in on the popularity of acts like NSYNC, Britney Spears, and O-Town, among others. Alas, this 2001 stinker is a far cry from “The T.A.M.I. Show.” Fans of the musical acts represented in the film may get a kick out of the film’s sensibilities, but the main plot is a plodding tale of two brothers (Tony DeCamillis and Joey Sculthorpe) trying to escape the wrath of a wealthy villain (Paul Sorvino). It’s half-sitcom and half-crime drama, and none of it works.

The film’s only saving grace is that it features more inexplicable cameos than a “Sharknado” movie, including members of LFO, Innosense, Take 5, C-Note, Full Force, and, um, Kenny Rogers. No, really. It also features multiple actors from “Saved By The Bell,” simply because it can.

Gilbert Gottfried appears briefly as Mr. Chadwick, under whom the older brother works as a music store clerk. Gottfried wrings some genuine laughs from viewers; our favorite is when he demands to know what a headphone-wearing customer at the store is listening to by repeatedly screaming at them, “What are you listening to?!” He also gets to share a scene with the hottest pop star of the early 2000s, Art Garfunkel. Seriously, “Longshot” is a weird movie. It’s nigh-unwatchable on its own merits, but we’re nevertheless grateful for its existence.

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