“Flesh+Blood” is a 1985 film that mixes the romance and adventure genres. Set in medieval Europe, the movie focuses on a young girl who is abducted by a group of common mercenaries who want revenge against the lord who reneged on his promise to pay them for their services. It stars Rutger Hauer, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tom Burlinson, Susan Tyrrell, Ronald Lacey, and Jack Thompson, while Paul Verhoeven directed the movie. The story is partly based on a Dutch television series known as “Floris,” which starred Hauer and was also directed by Verhoeven.

With a budget of $6.5 million, “Flesh+Blood” didn’t have to perform all that well to make back what the studios had spent. Unfortunately, it couldn’t even manage that, making an estimated $100,000 at the box office in the United States, which means it was a massive flop. The film bombed despite positive reviews as shown by the Rotten Tomatoes approval rating of 86%, although it has become something of a cult hit in recent years.

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