Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s dispute over the Amazon rainforest has turned uglier. On Thursday, the Brazil President asked the Titanic fame to ‘keep his mouth shut’, as per CNN. For those unaware, Leonardo DiCaprio has been openly critical of the Bolsonaro regime, who he blames for the rampant deforestation in the Amazon rainforests. Notably, the Brazilian President had previously accused DiCaprio of funding fires that set the Amazon Rainforest ablaze in 2019. In an old Facebook live broadcast, he asserted, “Leonardo DiCaprio, dammit, you’re collaborating with the burning of the Amazon,” further claiming that the actor is part of an international campaign against Brazil.

Brazil’s President tells DiCaprio to ‘shut up’

Now, during a recent interview, Bolsonaro was quoted by CNN saying “Now, DiCaprio has to know that it was the very president of the World Trade Organization who said that without Brazilian agribusiness, the world would be hungry. So, DiCaprio better keep his mouth shut instead of talking nonsense.”

 The Hollywood actor hasn’t responded to the Brazil President’s statement as of yet.

What went wrong between DiCaprio and Bolsonaro?

It so happened that a few days ago Leonardo DiCaprio took to Twitter to urge the civilians of Brazil to register to vote for the forthcoming elections which are set to take place in October. While doing so, DiCaprio wrote, “Brazil is home to the Amazon and other ecosystems critical to climate change. What happens there matters to us all and youth voting is key in driving change for a healthy planet.”

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro reacts

Responding to the same, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro released a sarcastic statement thanking DiCaprio. He tweeted, “Thanks for your support, Leo! It’s really important to have every Brazilian voting in the coming elections. Our people will decide if they want to keep our sovereignty on the Amazon or to be ruled by crooks who serve foreign special interest. Good job in The Revenant!”

The Brazilian President further accused the Hollywood star of spreading misinformation by using old photos of the Amazon wildfires. Moreover, he also added that many have been arrested before for making such an error, before concluding that he forgives him for it. He concluded, “By the way, the picture you posted to talk about the wildfires in the Amazon in 2019 is from 2003. There are people who want to arrest Brazilian citizens who make this kind of mistake here in our country. But I’m against this tyrannical idea. So I forgive you. Hugs from Brazil!”

Image: AP

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