Director Advait Chandan’s Laal Singh Chaddha, the official remake of the Tom Hanks film Forrest Gump starring Aamir Khan, is making headlines everywhere. The film’s trailer was released during the Indian Premier League finale at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Motera, Ahmedabad. The inevitable happened not much later. Heated discussions on the trailer started trending on social media.

A few among those who did not like the trailer pointed out that Aamir’s character of the clean-shaven Laal reminded them of the humanoid alien that he had essayed in the Rajkumar Hirani-helmed PK in 2014. The actor’s fans ignored the criticism and insisted that the upcoming film would offer a great cinematic experience.

Every actor has limitations. Aamir, too, does. Within its running time of two minutes and 45 seconds, the trailer shows that while he is brilliant as the bearded man, his expressions with the clean-shaven look do bring to mind PK’s alien, which had become instantly popular. The visible fact of repetitiveness will become the highlight of discussions once Laal Singh Chaddha comes to town.

Laal Singh Chaddha will be what it should be: a faithful remake since it is an official adaptation. Consider the dialogues. The famous line “Run Forrest, run” becomes “Bhaag Laal, bhaag.” Elsewhere, Forrest says, “My mama always said, life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” In Laal Singh Chaddha, those sentences have been smartly modified: “Meri mummy kehti thhi zindagi golgappe jaisi hondi hai. Pet bhale hi bhar jaave, mann nahi bharta.”

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