Because of the sheer number of characters and plotlines that have to be incorporated in 2018’s “Avengers: Infinity War,” nobody really gets that much screen time. But the first of the two films that comprise the culmination of the Infinity Saga contains much more Star-Lord than the second, so that’s why it and not “Avengers: End Game” is featured on this list. 

Pratt’s Peter Quill actually has more to do than most of the original six Avengers here. His ship rescues the stranded Asgardian survivors, which sets up a hilarious rivalry between the self-assured Thor and the half-Celestial Quill, whose masculinity is threatened by the Norse god. But Quill’s story takes a more somber turn when he, Gamora, Drax, and Mantis travel to Knowhere, where they plan to get to the Collector and the Reality Stone before Thanos does. Unfortunately, the purple Titan arrives first and uses the stone to create illusions that trick the Guardians. Gamora had previously made Star-Lord promise that if Thanos ever captured her, he’d kill her as a protective measure. Though he doesn’t understand, he tries to hold up his end of the bargain, but Thanos distorts reality to turn his blaster into a bubble gun and kidnaps Gamora. Soon after, he sacrifices his daughter on Vormir to acquire the Soul Stone. 

When Thanos reveals that Gamora’s dead, Star-Lord loses control and attacks, which disrupts the Avengers’ agreed upon plan and results in Thanos acquiring the Time Stone from Doctor Strange. Though he’s among the snapped, Peter Quill is arguably one of the most important and tragic figures of “Avengers: Infinity War,” which is possibly the most consequential and reverberating chapter in the MCU. 

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