The film ‘RRR’ has reportedly SMASHED ALL RECORDS in the History of Tollywood. As per the early estimates, It collected ” Rs 120 cr ” Net Plus on its opening day in Telugu alone across various territories. While all the other versions have reportedly minted the below figures.

Tamil = Rs 10 crore

Hindi = Rs 25 crore

Kannada = Rs 14 crores

Malayalam = Rs 4 crores

The film also had huge releases across the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and The Middle East that has reportedly minted over Rs 75 crores. Therefore The Total Worldwide Gross of ‘RRR’ on Day 1 comes around Rs ” 240 cr ” across all languages. The above collection also reportedly shows the star power of actors Jr NTR & Ramcharan along with its director SS Rajamouli’s brand value.

Total World Wide Gross on Day 1 = Rs 240 crores

The film has been hugely successful with the masses across all the versions, In Hindi circuits, it could have been a lot better, but it was less due to increased ticket prices, the occupancy was low. But the film reportedly did well in the pockets of Odisha, Maharastra, Gujarat and a few places of UP.

Now everyone is eagerly waiting to know how will the film perform on weekends and weekdays, as the above numbers are possible due to advance bookings and increased ticket prices in Telugu states.

The film is also reportedly the highest grosser Post Pandemic across the country, Though the film had an average storyline the film scale and SS. Rajamouli’s brand value reportedly worked big with the audiences.

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