Ricky Gervais, 60, has been known for his unforgiving digs at fellow Hollywood stars while hosting the Golden Globes previously. The comedian-turned-actor has now hit out at another awards show as he took aim at the Oscars for their expensive “goody bags”, pointing out the way they would make “ordinary”, “unemployed” and “poor people” feel.

Ricky took to Twitter in view of his 14.6 million followers to tweet the material he would use if he opened the Oscars.

He penned: “I’d start with Hello. I hope this show helps cheer up the ordinary people watching at home.

“If you’re unemployed for example, take some comfort in the fact that even if you had a job, your salary probably wouldn’t be as much as the goody bag all the actors have just been given.”

He continued: “I’m proud to announce that this is the most diverse and progressive Oscars ever.

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There was also reportedly a $25,000 (£19,000) project from a construction company, a $15,600 (£11,900) four night stay at a luxury resort, a $15,000 (£11,400) wellness retreat, and more.

This led Hollywood stars to be accused of hypocrisy by viewers as they accepted “gross” Oscar bags valued at $140,000 (£106,900) while they continued to preach about the devastation of war in Ukraine.

Social media users were outraged at the vast sums of money given away as part of the bags to every Oscar nominee at Sunday night’s ceremony.

Betsymullen said: “Appalling excess; the funds should have gone to help in the crisis in Ukraine.”

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