Rashmika Mandanna, who was recently seen in Telugu film Aadavallu Meeku Johaarlu, spoke about sharing the stage with Sai Pallavi and Keerthy Suresh in the film’s pre-release event.

She told media in Hyderabad, “It always feels nice when other actors support your film and want your film to work. For me, it was a special moment. Why would they come and be on the stage with us if that’s not the case? What Sai Pallavi and Keerthy have created is just wow. They deserve it, and I am so proud of them. I was mindblown to see the audiences’ reaction while they were speaking (on the stage).”

She also shared her experience of working with Sharwanand. “Working with Sharwa was easy. He was very kind and sweet. He has just been the nicest person,” she said.

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