The Chase star Anne Hegerty has revealed the inspiration behind her role as The Governess on the popular ITV quiz show. The quizzer, 63, has played the formidable role of The Governess on the show since 2010 but has now opened up on where she gets her inspiration for the part.

The ITV personality told how she modelled herself on certain family members, despite not entirely getting on with them.

The star made the remarks at an event celebrating International Women’s Day last month.

Anne revealed: “On my mother’s side, I come from a very feminist family.”

She went on to explain how her relatives were involved in campaigning for women’s rights.

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Elsewhere, Anne confirmed that she was forced to pull out of filming for Beat the Chasers after having tested positive for Covid.

In an announcement on Twitter last month, Anne reassured her 161,200 followers that she felt okay and revealed who would be stepping in to take her place.

Anne wrote: “Unfortunately I’ve contracted Covid-19 so won’t be filming this series of #BeatTheChasers.

“The fantastic @Issa25 will be stepping in for me and I’m looking forward to watching the series when it’s on air later this year.

“I feel fine, but I’m still positive! (in all respects)” she added. (sic)

The star explained that she tested positive after initially thinking that she was just suffering from a cold.

Responding to a fan, Anne wrote: “Yes, I too had swerved it for two years, assumed it was just a cold, did an LFT to be on the safe side…” (sic)

The Chase airs weekdays at 5pm on ITV.

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