In a shocking turn of events at Oscars 2022, Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock on stage after the latter made fun of Will’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith’s baldness. Jada suffers from alopecia areata, a disease that causes hair loss. Chris Rock appeared on stage at the Dolby Theatre to present the Oscar for the documentary feature when he said, “Jada, I love you. GI Jane 2, can’t wait to see you.”

After a while, Smith took the stage to slap Rock. The actor then returned to his seat yelling, “Keep my wife’s name out of your f*****g mouth!” Now, in the latest update, Smith has been banned by the Academy from attending the Oscars and its other events for the next 10 years. As per the report by People, Will has respectfully accepted the Academy’s decision. Well, Smith is not the first one who got banned by the Oscars, here’s the list of other Hollywood celebs who faced similar retributions:

Adam Kimmel (2021)

Last year, Cinematographer Adam Kimmel was banned by the academy. He was even removed as a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. As per the reports by Variety, Kimmel was arrested in 2003 and he pleaded guilty to rape in the third degree. 

Later he also released a statement, that read, “It was a consensual sex with someone under the legal age of consent.” In 2010, he was arrested again on charges of fourth-degree sexual assault, two counts of risk of injury and failing to register as a sex offender in Connecticut.

Roman Polanski (2018)

Roman Polanski, who was an academy member for over 50 years, was removed from the same in May 2018. Roman, who won the best director Oscar for “The Pianist” in 2003, remains escaping after pleading guilty to unlawful sex with a minor in 1977 after which he flew to the United States the following year.

Bill Cosby (2018)

Bill Cosby was also banned from the academy in 2018. The academy had released a statement for Bill as well as Polanski, which read, “The board continues to encourage ethical standards that require members to uphold the academy’s values of respect for human dignity.” Well, Cosby was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand during a 2004 incident. 

Harvey Weinstein (2017)

In 2017, Harvey Weinstein was expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. The board released a statement, that said, “In excess of the required two-thirds majority of its 54 members voted to dismiss Weinstein, co-founder of Miramax and The Weinstein Company”. The expulsion was made immediately. 

Weinstein was accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault. He has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for third-degree rape and a criminal sex act. 

Carmine Caridi (20024)

Carmine Caridi was the first person to have his academy membership revoked. As per the Hollywood reporter, Caridi said, “I sent [them] to people, besides my brother and sister, who couldn’t afford them. I made a lot of people happy.” The actor had loaned out award screener videos.

Tim Robbins & Richard Gere (2013)

As per The Hollywood Reporter, Richard Gere had gone off script in 1993 to protest China’s occupation of Tibet as well as the “horrendous, horrendous human rights situation,” while Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins spoke out in support of Haitian refugees. All three were presenters. Sarandon and Robbins’ ban has since been lifted and Gere made an appearance at the Oscars stage in 2013.

Image: AP

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