RRR went past Rs. 500 crores globally on Monday, becoming the first Indian movie since 2.0 in November 2018 to enter the coveted club. The film added Rs. 58 crores domestically and Rs. 10 crores overseas on Monday to its global total, which stands at Rs. 538 crores approx in four days. The split on the S.S. Rajamouli directed movie is Rs. 406 crores in India and Rs. 132 crores ($17.40 million) internationally


Overall the film is the thirteenth highest-grossing Indian movie of all time through Monday. It will be entering the top five by Saturday or at the earliest on Friday. The final resting place for the movie will be number three, just behind Dangal and Baahubali 2 with a final total somewhere in the north of Rs. 1100 crores.


The day-wise box office collections of RRR globally are as follows:


Friday – Rs. 192.50 crores

Saturday – Rs. 134.50 crores

Sunday – Rs. 143 crores

Monday – Rs. 68 crores


Total – Rs. 538 crores


Internationally, the business was dominated by the Telugu version in the opening weekend but on Monday it was the Hindi version that was making a big contribution, which is good news because the Hindi market is much more backloaded than the South Indian versions which fizzle out fast after the opening. 


North America lead all plays with a total of over/under $10 million depending on where the actuals on Monday land. Only four Indian movies have scored double-digit total in the states, RRR will make it five. Another strong performer is Australia, where it crossed A$2 million on Monday. The Middle East after a slow start due to a weird release strategy did better on Sunday and Monday with the original version of the film doing the heavy lifting.


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