Abdelhafid Metalsi as maverick police captain Cherif, in the French mystery series “Cherif.” Courtesy of MHz Choice. © Aurelien FAIDY/AutoFocus-productions, All rights reserved.

“Cherif” is a subtitled French mystery TV series set in Lyon, France, that ran for six years. Based on the episodes I’ve seen (the first and fourth seasons), it richly deserved that level of success. Cherif (Abdelhafid Metalsi) is a maverick police captain who exudes the sort of roguish charisma that plays well in any culture or context.

As the series begins, Cherif has been assigned a new partner, Adeline (Carole Bianic) – an uptight, by-the-book woman who is also new to Lyon, and unaccustomed to his unorthodox methods of dealing with suspects and witnesses. As usual, his ways prove highly successful, and she grudgingly becomes more flexible. Ain’t it always that way? After all, if Murtaugh had made Riggs more disciplined, the LETHAL WEAPON franchise would have died after the first.

Each episode is a stand-alone crime for the pair to solve, though some personal issues for both provide threads that run through them all. The scripts are solid, with plenty of light touches that should play as well with viewers here as in Europe. Production values are first-rate. American audiences will particularly find the settings a lovely change of pace from our accustomed New York and Los Angeles backdrops. Unlike TV show imports that take a full season to solve one complicated case, this one does not call for binge viewing. One can simply enjoy each episode when time permits, without having to strain to recall details from before. The two stars are well matched. His default facial setting of a wry, knowing smile is perfect counterpoint for the grimace that is her default setting. Their skills are much different but equally valuable, making this a pairing that viewers will enjoy following.

As one would expect, the inevitable will-they-won’t-they arc for such cop or detective teams is there, but minimized in the early going after an initial sort of meet-cute that abounds in rom-coms. Regrettably, I missed the second and third seasons but resuming with this fourth didn’t cause me to feel too far out of the loop. Much of the original cast was still in place. Apparently, the dangled romance between Captain Cherif and Adeline almost came to fruition before she abruptly left Lyon, returning to Paris with a beau, and rejoining her original department. The fourth season opens with her equally sudden return (without the beau) after seven months of complete silence, and a new bug up her backside that she’s unwilling to discuss. With anyone.

Cherif has a new girlfriend, but the connection between him and Adeline is still percolating professionally, if not romantically. New crimes to solve take priority and, as before, they face some entertaining, well-written challenges. During this 10-episode season, we gradually learn what happened in Paris, and the reason for Adeline’s secrecy as a running thread along with each program’s crime du jour.

Abdelhafid Metalsi as maverick police captain Cherif, in the French mystery series “Cherif.” Courtesy of MHz Choice

As before, Cherif maintains his roguish knowing smile while investigating and catching their criminals. He provides the show’s considerable levity with clever ploys and traps, usually attributing his key tactics to a variety of American crime series such as COLUMBO, MOONLIGHTING, HART TO HART, etc. He even cites the episode numbers with a twinkle in his eye as he lays out or consummates each caper. Most offerings follow a light police procedurals’ structure, but Episode Four puts our hero into a state of confusion, finding himself in a GROUNDHOG DAY time-loop scenario. Another subplot flows from the return of his father – a career criminal of the non-violent ilk. The pair also unravel an actual murder that occurred during an upscale murder mystery role-play party.

“Cherif” would be just another pleasant, binge-worthy diversion but for the abundant charm of its title character. The dude rolls though life as if he knows a bit more than everyone else, then uses his street smarts in the best of possible ways for all concerned. The contrast with Adeline’s resting skeptic face, makes an odd couple that works for their department and their viewers.

I’m obliged to warn you that this 10-episode season ends with a cliffhanger, but it’s relatively forgivable, since two more seasons have already run in France, and are sure to follow here. Shortly.

“Cherif” Season Four, alternatively titled “Captain Cherif,” mostly in French with English subtitles, is available for streaming on MHz Choice beginning June 7.

RATING: 3 out of 4 stars

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