With the first weekend complete, Punjabi film ‘Maa’ has debuted in the UK Box Office at No.9, despite stiff competition from other international releases. In the week that saw the release of MCU’s ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ and a strong run from other regional films, the socio-drama produced by Humble Motion Pictures and distributed worldwide by Omjee Star Studios and Nugen Media, attracted large audiences largely down to positive word-of-mouth. Currently ‘Maa’ is the only Indian film to hold a place in the Top Ten.

Actor/Producer Gippy Grewal commented, “We are so happy and excited that our film has debuted at number 9 in the UK Box Office, especially at a time when other highly anticipated films with a far bigger global reach were releasing in cinemas at the same time. However, ‘Maa’ is a content driven film with a strong woman centric story – portrayed so beautifully by veteran Bollywood actress Divya Dutta ji – and I believe audiences will always appreciate great content. On behalf of all our team, I thank the audiences for placing their trust in us and supporting our film.”

With a strong start to its theatrical run, ‘Maa’ will be looking to cement its place in UK Box Office history. Released on 6th May 2022, the film is currently showing in cinemas across the UK.

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