Movies to make you feel old: 10 movies turning 20 in 2022
There are several movies we all know well that are hitting the two-decade mark this year. (Syda Productions, Shutterstock)
Estimated read time: 7-8 minutes
THE TIME MACHINE — As the acclaimed poet Steve Harwell put it, “The years start coming and they don’t stop coming.”
It’s is now 2022 and we’re all a year older, as are all of our favorite movies. While the characters captured on film don’t age, the movies themselves do — and some are older than you think. It’s hard to believe, but 2002 was 20 years ago.
That’s right, it’s been 20 since Salt Lake City hosted the Winter Olympics, 20 years since Homeland Security was established, and 20 years since I went to senior prom.
There are also several movies we all know well that are hitting the two-decade mark this year. In an effort to make you feel old, here are 10 movies turning 20 in 2022.
‘The Count of Monte Cristo’
Release date: Jan. 25, 2002
January and February are often the doldrums of movie releases, but January of 2002 gave us a real gem. That’s when we all got to see Edmond Dantes on the big screen in the form of Jim Caviezel.
“The Count of Monte Cristo” received mixed reviews from critics; but for my money, it’s a fun and engaging adventure that’s still worth watching 20 years later. The filmmakers may have taken some liberties with Alexander Dumas’ famous novel, but the movie is a good time and one I think you can enjoy whether you remember watching it in the theater or weren’t even born when it was released.
‘Ice Age’
Release date: March 15, 2002
When the animated film “Ice Age” drifted into theaters in 2002, 20th Century Fox had high hopes for the movie — but I don’t think anyone knew the juggernaut it would become.
The film made over $383 million worldwide and has five sequels. The franchise has made over $6 billion dollars at the box office, making it one of the most successful franchises of all time, and it all started 20 years ago.
Release date: May 3, 2002
It seems most of us headed to the theater to watch “Spider-Man: No Way Home” recently. The film was a blast and is the third installment of the Tom Holland Spider-Man franchise. But none of that would have been possible without 2002’s “Spider-Man.“
While 1989’s “Batman” changed superhero movies, it was “Spider-Man” that showed the world superhero movies could be entertaining and well-made. The film really kicked off our current cinematic love affair with superheroes.
It’s been 20 years since “Spider-Man” crawled into theaters, and in those two decades we’ve seen eight different movies, three different actors take on the role, and then got to watch all of them reunite in the latest offering.
(You don’t get to call “spoiler” on that. You had your chance to see the movie.)
‘Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones’
Release date: May 16, 2002
Believe it or not, it has been 20 years since we learned how much Anakin Skywalker hates sand. The second installment of the Star Wars prequels, “Attack of the Clones,” flew into theaters two decades ago and none of us has ever been the same.
With “Phantom Menace,” we were all just so excited to see a new Star Wars movie that we ignored some things. Then “Attack of the Clones” arrived and we all wanted to like it, and I think most of us convinced ourselves we did. Well, that’s over for me. Two decades has given me perspective and helped me realize I don’t like this movie.
I know I don’t speak for everyone, but 20 years hasn’t been long enough to wash the memory of this movie from my mind.
‘The Bourne Identity
Release date: June 14, 2002
With James Bond on the decline in the early 2000s, and the “Mission: Impossible” franchise recently dumping “M:I-2” on us, I think we all owe the movie world a sincere “thank you” for giving us “The Bourne Identity” in 2002.
The movie went on to make nearly $215 million worldwide and spawned three sequels and a spin-off. Some of the sequels are better than others, but the original may still be the best even 20 years later.
This movie, based on the Robert Ludlum book series, quietly arrived in theaters in June of 2002 and took us all by storm.
Release date: Aug. 2, 2002
M. Night Shyamalan became a favorite of many moviegoers thanks to his 1999 hit “The Sixth Sense.” Then some weren’t too happy with his sophomore effort, “Unbreakable.” Then in 2002, he released “Signs” and it divided audiences. For me, I was on the side that really liked it. I mean, “liked” it more than a friend.
To this day I still think “Signs” is one of Shyamalan’s best films. It has its missteps and awkward moments, but overall I loved the storytelling. Joaquin Phoenix steals every scene he’s onscreen, and the use of the camera in the storytelling is subtly brilliant.
I know “Signs” isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I’d be more than happy to fill you in on some of the more nuanced reasons I love the film. I may not convert you, but I do believe I can at least get you to appreciate it.
My love for this movie has lasted 20 years, and I think it’ll continue for another 20 and then after that.
‘The Ring’
Release date: Oct. 18, 2002
That’s right, it’s been 20 years that the little girl climbing out of the TV has been haunting your nightmares.
The remake of the Japanese horror film “The Ring” changed the Hollywood horror movie industry and started what was known as the J-Horror craze, which gave us movies like “The Grudge,” “One Missed Call,” and “Dark Water.”
‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’
Release date: Nov. 15, 2002
There are so many Harry Potter movies released over multiple years, but the second installment hit us in 2002. “The Chamber of Secrets” was a fun addition to the Harry Potter film canon and was still innocent enough to be good for some of the younger audiences.
Can you believe it’s been 20 years since we met Moaning Myrtle and saw the Basilisk?
‘The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers’
Release date: Dec. 18, 2002
The year 2002 kicked off multiple franchises, but it was also full of second installments of massive franchises. The biggest of that year may have been “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.“
“The Lord of the Rings” film franchise took the world by storm, and “The Two Towers” wowed audiences and left them salivating for the epic conclusion — but they had to wait for another year before they’d get it.
It’s now been 20 years since you were all left in limbo for a year after the credits rolled on “The Two Towers.”
‘Catch Me If You Can’
Release date: Dec. 25, 2002
On Christmas Day of 2002, Frank Abagnale Jr. conned his way into our hearts via Leonardo DiCaprio thanks to “Catch Me If You Can.“
The film had an incredible cast with leads DiCaprio and Tom Hanks at the forefront, and maestro Steven Spielberg behind the camera.
Twenty years later, the movie is still a fun film filled with twists, turns and likable scoundrels. It was a great way to cap off a great year of movies.
What other movies are turning 20 years old that are your favorites? Let us know in the comments.
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