Emerging as one of the biggest pan-India films, SS Rajamouli’s ‘RRR’ is roaring at the box office with full force. Released in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada, the monstrous blockbuster is going down in history for marking the biggest first-day opening collection of Rs 158.6 crore. Its victorious run at the box office remains undeterred by the release of ‘
KGF: Chapter 2′, which recorded a collection of Rs 134.5 crore on its first day. Despite the franchise advantage and a holiday release, the Yash starrer failed to shatter
RRR‘s record.
The Jr NTR and Ram Charan starrer is followed by ‘Baahubali’, which boasts Rs 152 crore, and ‘KGF Chapter 2‘, which raked in Rs 134.5 crore on its opening day. The Rajamouli directorial has successfully pulled the theatres out from their post-pandemic lull and has attracted viewers to cinemas in the scorching April heat. One record after another is being broken at the box office by this film that has crossed the milestone mark of Rs 1050 crore.
‘RRR’ offers viewers a chance to live in the larger-than-life world created by Rajamouli. The audiences in theatres welcomed the heartfelt story of freedom fighters to the pan-India space of movies with an uproarious response that has not died down in its third week. Set in 1920, RRR explores the undocumented period in the lives of Komaram Bheem (Jr NTR) and Alluri Sitarama Raju (Ram Charan), when both the revolutionaries choose to go into oblivion before they joined the fight for independent India.
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1/1110 times Kiara Advani effortlessly pulled off yellow outfits
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<p>Check out ten times Kiara Advani took the Instagram world by storm with her stunner yellow outfits.</p>
Check out ten times Kiara Advani took the Instagram world by storm with her stunner yellow outfits.
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<p>Kiara Advani looks like a ray of sunshine in a yellow sharara set.</p>
<p>The ‘Bharat Ane Nenu’ actress raises the temperature in a yellow embroidered barrette and skirt. </p>
The ‘Bharat Ane Nenu’ actress raises the temperature in a yellow embroidered barrette and skirt.
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<p>The ‘Indoo Ki Jawani’ actress dazzles in a gorgeous yellow sharara set.</p>
<p>The ‘Shershaah’ actress looks brighter than the sun in a yellow bodycon dress!</p>
The ‘Shershaah’ actress looks brighter than the sun in a yellow bodycon dress!
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<p>The diva is seen wearing a yellow feather gown and looking like a glamorous queen.</p>
The diva is seen wearing a yellow feather gown and looking like a glamorous queen.
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<p>The 29-year-old actress effortlessly pulled off a off shoulder yellow satin thigh-high slit gown. </p>
The 29-year-old actress effortlessly pulled off a off shoulder yellow satin thigh-high slit gown.
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<p>The ‘RC 15’ actress was dressed in a yellow mini outfit that bore floral prints all over the outfit.</p>
The ‘RC 15’ actress was dressed in a yellow mini outfit that bore floral prints all over the outfit.
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<p>She looked fabulous in a bright yellow saree. </p>
<p>The actress’ look left us drooling, and it’s her yellow dress to be blamed.</p>
The actress’ look left us drooling, and it’s her yellow dress to be blamed.
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<p>The ‘Jug Jugg Jeeyo’ actress nailed the look like a true diva.</p>
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