‘KGF: Chapter 2’, which is having its dream run at the Indian box office, will now have to face the real competition with the arrival of new movies from every industry this Friday. In Telugu, the mega film starring Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan has taken over most of the theatres that were screening ‘KGF 2’ and also there are more than 100 screens in Karnataka alone that will screen ‘Acharya’ from today.

Though KGF2 collections had been slowed down in Telugu states, it is still reportedly doing good business in the Karnataka and other few other places. The Yash, Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon’s film have minted close to Rs 40 crores share at the Nizam (Telangana), which is reportedly a record for any dubbed movie so far.

Several movies have postponed their release to avoid a clash with the monster KGF2 so far. From today, the Kannada film has to face stiff competition from this big Telugu film as the no. of screens catered to ‘KGF2’ will be limited from today. KGF 2 has reportedly minted over Rs 6.8 million for two weekends in North America, while the film earned Rs 10.90 crores on its 15th day from all its language versions.

Below are the figures that ‘KGF: Chapter 2’ has earned from the respective language versions

KGF: Chapter 2 (Hindi) box-office collection on day 15 = Rs 5.40 crores
KGF: Chapter 2 (Telugu) box-office collection on day 15 = Rs 1 crore
KGF: Chapter 2 (Kannada) box-office collection on day 15 = Rs 2 crores
KGF: Chapter 2 (Malayalam) box-office collection on day 15 = Rs 0.50 crores
KGF: Chapter 2 (Tamil) box-office collection on day 15 = Rs 1.40 crores

With this, the most expensive Kannada film KGF: Chapter 2 has minted Rs 948 crores (approx) in 15 days at the Global box-office.

1/1110 stills from Acharya to get you excited for the film

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  • <p>Take a look at ten pictures of Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan and Pooja Hegde from Koratala Siva’s Acharya </p>

    10 stills from Acharya to get you excited for the film

    Take a look at ten pictures of Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan and Pooja Hegde from Koratala Siva’s Acharya

  • <p>Acharya, directed by Kortala Siva, will hit screens this Friday amid high expectations</p>


    Acharya, directed by Kortala Siva, will hit screens this Friday amid high expectations

  • <p>The film sees Chiranjeevi Konidela as the titular Acharya with his son, Ram Charan, in a key role</p>


    The film sees Chiranjeevi Konidela as the titular Acharya with his son, Ram Charan, in a key role

  • <p>While the actors had previously shared the screen to feature in cameos or fun dance numbers…</p>


    While the actors had previously shared the screen to feature in cameos or fun dance numbers…

  • <p>…this will be the first time they show off their acting chops in a film together, with RC playing Siddha</p>


    …this will be the first time they show off their acting chops in a film together, with RC playing Siddha

  • <p>Acharya was also supposed to feature Kajal Aggarwal but buzz is that her role was chopped off after she got pregnant</p>


    Acharya was also supposed to feature Kajal Aggarwal but buzz is that her role was chopped off after she got pregnant

  • <p>The film will see Regina Cassandra in a special number called Saana Kashtam, composed by Mani Sharma</p>


    The film will see Regina Cassandra in a special number called Saana Kashtam, composed by Mani Sharma

  • <p>And while nothing much about the film is known, what’s known is that the film seems to touch on the topic of communism</p>


    And while nothing much about the film is known, what’s known is that the film seems to touch on the topic of communism

  • <p>Pooja Hegde also features in the film as Siddha’s love interest named Neelambari</p>


    Pooja Hegde also features in the film as Siddha’s love interest named Neelambari

  • <p>Her character in the film will be that of a village belle from the temple town the story is set in</p>


    Her character in the film will be that of a village belle from the temple town the story is set in

  • <p>Koratala Siva has revealed that Acharya tells the story of a temple town called Dharmasthali and will see voice over by Mahesh Babu</p>


    Koratala Siva has revealed that Acharya tells the story of a temple town called Dharmasthali and will see voice over by Mahesh Babu

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