Chinese electronics maker recently launched its maiden OLED TV in India. Called the OLED Vision TV, the smart television is currently available in 55-inch screen size at Rs 89,999. Though cheaper than most OLED TVs from established brands such as Sony, Samsung, and LG, the Xiaomi’s TV does not cuts corners on any major features, technology or otherwise. It boasts an optical light emitting diode-based screen panel of 4K UHD resolution with support for wide range of high dynamic range formats such as Dolby Vision, HDR10+, HDR10, HDR, and HLG. The TV has eight-way speakers system with Dolby Atmos and DTS for audio experience to match the premium visual experience enabled by the OLED panel. The OLED Vision TV seems to be a modestly priced smart television to experience OLED difference. Is it? Let’s find out:

Starting with the design, the Xiaomi OLED Vision has a premium metallic frame neatly holding its modestly sized 55-inch screen. The screen dominates the entire front profile for distraction free viewing experience. The rear profile of the television, however, seems to be done as an afterthought. There is a huge bulge on the lower rear side of the television. Though not a visual distraction, it may make the television look odd hanging on the wall. It could be one of the reasons Xiaomi did not include gears required for wall mount set-up in the package, but legs for the table top installation. Speaking of table top installation, the legs raise the television to some extent but not enough to leave room for a soundbar to sit in front without blocking some portion of the screen.

Xiaomi OLED Vision TV

Xiaomi OLED Vision TV – Metallic leg stand

Coming to the screen, it is a good one for an economical OLED television. The screen is bright, vivid, and responsive. It is a delight to watch 4K content, especially HDR movies, shows and docuseries. It works so even for fast-paced content, thanks to built-in tech for motion smoothing. The TV supports IMAX Enhanced for cinematic experience, but the lack of content makes it a novelty with no actual benefit at present. The screen is good for watching content, but falls short for gaming purpose. It is a screen of 60Hz refresh rate, which is not optimal for best experience, especially for those with one of the new-gen gaming consoles such as Xbox Series X (review) and Play Station 5 (review). Besides, there is no support for adaptive sync technologies such as Nvidia G-Sync, FreeSync, VRR, etc.

ALSO READ – Xiaomi Mi QLED TV 4K review: A wholesome package despite some flaws

Complementing the visual experience is the eight-way speaker system of 30W peak output. On paper, the peak output may seem to be on the lower side but is not. The speakers are loud and clear, and, together with Dolby Atmos and DTS, deliver wholesome audio experience.

Rounding up the package is the smooth performance and user experience. The Xiaomi OLED Vision TV boots 11 TV operating system with Xiaomi PatchWall loaded separately as secondary interface. The default interface is familiar with suggested content from apps visible on the home screen. The PatchWall is similar with regard to navigation but with better apps integration and content filters. Both the and PatchWall interfaces work smoothly without interruptions, slowdowns, and lags. That said, the performance is good and it translates to consistent user experience.

Xiaomi OLED Vision TV

Xiaomi OLED Vision TV – Far-field microphone array

The Xiaomi OLED Vision TV comes with a petite-looking remote controller. It is a Bluetooth-enabled remote with a minimal design and hotkeys for Amazon Prime Video and Netflix, besides other buttons. The remote lacks a dedicated mute button, but a long press on volume-down mutes the audio in no time. Likewise, there is no dedicated key to go to settings directly, but a long press on the PatchWall button opens quick settings for picture, sound, input and more.


The Xiaomi OLED Vision TV is an economical option in the premium OLED smart television segment. It is a good screen for watching content, but look elsewhere if you need a television that doubles up as a capable monitor for use with current generation gaming consoles. That said, the Xiaomi OLED Vision TV is good for most part, but not the best. Yet it makes a good buy because of its price and the features it bring to the table.

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